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Immerse yourself in Events, Tours and Trainings in  India 2019

i am yoga nidra™ 

professional training

Kripalu Mahasamadhi Temple 

Malav, Gujarat

March 10 - 20, 2019

The Integrative Amrit Method (I AM) of Yoga Nidra is designed as more than a relaxation. It is a meditation technique that not only relaxes the body, but creates a different relationship with stress producing thoughts and emotions. It is designed to guide the practitioner to recognize the silent place of being that always resides within us. The I AM method focuses primarily on quieting the mind and boosting energy flow in the body (prana). This released energy in the body increases the healing potential available during yoga nidra and typically takes practitioners into deeper states of meditation more quickly. 
Yoga Nidra Training

Part 1 - Immersion

March 10-15, 2019

Ideal for those who want to explore the power of Yoga Nidra and experience entry into “Zero Stress Zone”. The immersion provides in-depth information and personal experience of this transformative technique.
Day by day, you will see how old baggage and repetitive thinking patterns affect your life, health and wellbeing. With intention and the five tools of Yoga Nidra you will learn how to use this simple sleep-based meditation technique to profoundly heal and restore the body’s reserves and unburden your life. Create a body and brain with greater resilience to stress-producing situations. Boost the body’s healing potential, release chronic tension, pay off sleep debt and learn skills to master the demands of life. An excellent program to gain intuitive perspective into life transitions and challenges.


What to expect:

•â€¯Multiple daily Yoga Nidra practices to restore and rejuvenate
• In-depth reflection and learning on the philosophical, biological and     psychological foundations of Yoga Nidra.
• Guidance for optimal practice and benefit of the Amrit Method of Yoga   Nidra
• Harness the power of Yoga Nidra to remove blocks, detoxify and initiate unprecedented life-shifts from beyond the thinking mind.
•â€¯Receive a comprehensive Yoga Nidra manual

Part 2 - Certification

March 15-20, 2019

Drawing on the scientific basis and modern applications, we will look into the most current research: verifying its benefits and the changes happening in the brain while in Yoga Nidra. Combining science and the ancient wisdom of yoga, you will understand how to apply Yoga Nidra to address conditions such as:


  • Stress

  • Habits and Addictions

  • Trauma and P.T.S.D.

  • Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia


This course of advanced study will give you the skills to guide others in yoga nidra, but is also ideally suited for your own transformation. You will receive your own unique yoga nidra card deck system which will allow you to easily create your own yoga nidra experiences.
This training is an excellent addition for psychologists, mindfulness practitioners, bodyworkers, yoga teachers, healthcare workers, helping professionals, hypnotherapists and energy healers looking for new tools to serve their clients.


Prerequisites: Yoga Nidra Immersion


monthlong i am yoga®celebration

Rishikesh Feb 7-Mar 7, 2019

In the himalayan foothills, on the banks of the sacred river Ganges, lies Rishikesh. A city renowned for its shrines and yoga ashrams, Rishikesh is a pilgrimage spot for spiritual seekers.


For thousands of years, yogis came to this holy place to attain peace and liberation. Rishikesh soon established itself as the birthplace of Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation and the Study of Scriptures.


Rishikesh became a global destination when The Beatles went there in search of nirvana at the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the late 1960s. Since then, it has become a mecca for Indians and foreign travellers attending the annual International Yoga Festival, spiritual programs as well as adventure sports such as kayaking, white water rafting and hiking.

monthlong immersion

events, free satsangs, tours

Explore the hidden divine potential of the inner journey to the holy land of Rishikesh – in the foothills of the Himalayas. Make it the most powerful unfolding process as you participate in the free satsangs, Yoga Nidra Immersion Training and day tours of the holy land of Rishikesh.


You will have a rare and unique opportunity to receive the teachings directly from Gurudev Shri Amritji and Kamini Devi along with other highly qualified I AM Yoga & Yoga Nidra teachers throughout the month. Immerse yourself with I AM Yoga Nidra Training, mini workshops and free satsangs.


This year the pilgrimage to India is going to be more distinct than any other tour we have taken to India in the last 40 years:


  • This monthlong immersion will include free satsangs, yoga and yoga  nidra classes, meditation and pranayama guided experiences and Yoga Nidra Trainings

  • Those who attend satsangs and trainings will be awarded a certificate of attendance at graduation that will give them credit towards future in I AM Yoga and Yoga Nidra teacher trainings

  • At the end of the month in Rishikesh we will provide Yoga Nidra teacher training at the Kripalu Maha Samadhi Mandir in Malav, Gujurat

  • There will be time to explore following attractions: Beatles ashram, Caves

  • Bapuji also spent winters in Udasin Ashram in Rishikesh for in-depth study of scriptures in his early days before starting his Kundalini sadhana

details & itinerary

February 7-March 7: I AM Yoga: Managing the Mind, Mastering the Energy

Returning to the Source that I AM


The monthlong immersion in Rishikesh begins with an opening inauguration lighting ceremony with special guests, and short talks on Global Yoga. Daily activities include Satsangs with Gurudev Shri Amritji and Kamini Devi, morning yoga and yoga nidra classes, afternoon pranayama and yoga nidra, meditation, evening mantra chanting, as well as mini workshops on I AM Yoga: Managing the Mind, Mastering the Energy.


February 22-28: I AM Yoga Nidra™ Immersion (Part 1 of 2)


For those who want an immersive, healing experience of Yoga Nidra. Receive a completion certification by attending the second half of the training. (Part 2 offered in Malav, Gujurat, March 15-20, 2019)


March 1-7: International Yoga Festival


The International Yoga Festival draws participants from over 100 countries around the world. Enjoy daily I AM Yoga classes, I AM Yoga Nidra, as well as multiple styles from world-class yoga teachers. Inspiring lectures from Gurudev Shri Amritji, and other spiritual masters on a variety of uplifting and inspiring subjects. Listen, watch, sing and dance along to ecstatic drumming, kirtan and cultural performances, participate in special evening Ganga lighting ceremonies and breathe the spiritual atmosphere of Rishikesh.



Yoga Nidra Immersion

i am yoga nidra immersion 

Rishikesh, February 22-28, 2019

New and Mystical Approach to the Practice of

I AM Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra helps you to access the miraculous healing dimension of alpha and even deeper levels of integrative relaxation. This allows you to drop into the deepest level of integration of the Zero Stress Yoga Zone where the healing miracles happen spontaneously.


80% of all physical, mental and emotional health problems are now recognized are the cause of tension based disease and illnesses that destroy your love life, family life, work life and social life. 

Yoga Nidra addresses stress related health problems such as insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, fatigue, and headaches etc. It increases the flow of seratonin, melatonin, and dopamine that acts as a tranquilizer with no side effects


Yoga Nidra empowers you to access the infinite source of healing and transformative intelligence hidden within you: 


  • awakens the sleeping genius, the healing wisdom of your body

  • the more you relax, the further you move towards the infinite inner source of divine grace where karmic seeds that cause anxiety, fear, frustrations and addictive habits and behavior are resolved.

  • empowers you to explore expand and experience the divine potential that lies dormant within you

  • the master key that unlocks the door to reshape your life and redesign your destiny

  • the Zero Stress Yoga Zone creates a shift from the core where all integrative intentions, affirmations and prayers are actualized spontaneously

  • creates a paradigm shift from living a life of stress creating habits, and attitudes in your relationship with yourself, others and the world

  • When you change how you see yourself you will experience the miracle of how the whole world changes with you

  • Yoga nidra is not just for a chosen few, you can enter the meditative depth like a pro from the very beginning


What to expect in this Immersion:

•â€¯Multiple daily Yoga Nidra practices to restore and rejuvenate
• In-depth reflection and learning on the philosophical, biological and     psychological foundations of Yoga Nidra.
• Guidance for optimal practice and benefit of the Amrit Method of Yoga   Nidra
• Harness the power of Yoga Nidra to remove blocks, detoxify and initiate unprecedented life-shifts from beyond the thinking mind.
•â€¯Receive a comprehensive Yoga Nidra manual

international yoga festival 

Parmanth Niketan, Rishikesh

March 1-7, 2019

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